Penis enlargement with soda

Many men are not satisfied with the size of their penis, so they try to find a method that will enlarge their penis. To this end, representatives of the stronger sex use a wide variety of recipes and methods, and some of them threaten health and lead to the development of incurable pathologies. Among the recipes of traditional medicine, you can find such medicines that are prepared from simple and affordable components, but at the same time they show high efficiency and are completely safe. One of them is soda. This product is in every home, and it costs a penny. Before you enlarge your penis with soda, you need to consider the important aspects and rules for using this ingredient.

baking soda for penis enlargement

Is baking soda effective for penis enlargement?

Many people are interested in the question, is it possible to enlarge the penis with the help of soda? It is reasonable to answer it only after analyzing the composition of this product.

Soda is often used in traditional medicine recipes, as it is an excellent remedy for combating inflammation and harmful microorganisms. Do not think that when using this material, the penis will grow rapidly. Studies have shown that soda increases efficiency when using other methods, that is, it is advisable to use it as an additional element.

How to enlarge your penis with baking soda? The ability to change the size of the penis is due to the fact that the substance can penetrate unimpeded into the tissues, and because of its unique action it thins the blood. This feature makes the powder irreplaceable - it actively increases penis size. Penis enlargement with baking soda will not show normal results if you do not exercise or use special devices.

It should be noted that this material greatly protects the penis from injury and various complications. Some exercise can increase the chances of blood clots, but baking soda, because of its unique composition, can thin the blood, which prevents blood clots from forming.

There are several options for penis enlargement with baking soda, each with individual benefits and characteristics. Everyone chooses a particular type independently, and it is better to combine them, but the main thing is not to exaggerate the prescribed dose. Those who know how to enlarge the penis with soda claim that the phallus grows about 1-2 centimeters. In general, this powder is used in the following forms:

  • used inside;
  • it is used as the main component for ointments;
  • is a component for making a tray.

Useful soda quality

For those who are not satisfied with the size of their penis, you should learn how to enlarge a man's penis with the help of soda, as this is one of the easiest and most affordable methods, for its implementation you need to spend minimal effort and financial resources.

Some people are unaware of the positive properties of soda, believing that it is used exclusively for baking. In fact, the medicinal properties of this product are legendary. In more detail, the material helps in the following cases:

  • relieve excess weight;
  • remove burns;
  • overcoming heartburn;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • normalize acidity in the stomach;
  • used for cosmetic purposes;
  • control the circulatory process;
  • with the help of soda, the penis is enlarged.

Penis enlargement occurs due to the effect of the powder on the circulatory system. Everyone knows that an erection is observed when the penis and its structural elements are filled with blood. Soda helps improve blood circulation, which causes cavernous and spongy bodies to increase in size.

How can you enlarge your penis with baking soda?

the man was thinking about penis enlargement with soda

Before using soda to enlarge your penis, you need to consider some very important rules for using this ingredient. The most common method is massage. To quickly and safely achieve positive results, you need to do the exercise properly, otherwise there is a possibility of damage to the sensitive skin of the phallus. This procedure includes several stages:

  1. Inventory. Before you enlarge your penis at home with soda, you need to prepare the organs so that the skin becomes elastic and blood circulation increases. To do this, you need to take a towel - it is better to give preference to the softer version. Then you need to moisten with warm water and wrap on the penis, leave for 2-3 minutes. This procedure is repeated several times - at least 3.
  2. massage. Not everyone knows how to enlarge the penis with soda through massage, the main purpose is to stretch the organs. In between approaches, you should ensure high -quality recovery for proper blood circulation, by performing smooth and light movements. When the penis is stretched, a large amount of blood mass enters it, after which, because of the smooth sequence, it will be distributed evenly throughout the veins. Soda should be rubbed directly during the massage. To do this, simply take a pinch of the material in your hand and exactly "stick" it to the surface of the penis. The procedure is quite similar to the use of scrubs.
  3. Recovery. After the training to enlarge the penis with baking soda is completed, the normal function of the body should be restored. To do this, you just need to lie down and relax.

Soda lotion

To prepare a soda solution, you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of ingredients and mix thoroughly in 100-150 ml of warm water. In the resulting solution, moisten gauze or a small towel and place this compress on the groin area. The size of the tissue should be such that it can completely wrap the penis.

Penis enlargement with baking soda through lotion assumes daily use for 30 days. One procedure will not show any results, you have to use the method only in the course. To enhance the effect and positive effects on the body, you can add a little essential oil into the mixture. Fir oil, cardamom or any other plant with a "masculine" scent is suitable for this purpose. The aroma of essential oils allows you to relax and forget about pressing problems, and the soft texture helps warm the body and improve blood circulation. After the procedure, you need to lie down for a while, but it is better to sleep to consolidate the result.

Baking soda can be used internally to increase the effectiveness of penis enlargement. It has a positive effect on the internal environment of the body, that is, it contributes to the regulation of the functions of vital organs and systems. In some cases, the small size is due to the presence of a corresponding disease, which may not be known to the man. They lead to a decrease in the quality of erections or even cause impotence. The use of the substance will remove toxins and toxins from the body, which can lead to dangerous pathologies.

soda solution for penis enlargement

Before taking the ingredient, you should consult a specialist - a qualified doctor will tell you how you can enhance the penis with baking soda, and do it safely and as quickly as possible.

You should start in small doses - a quarter of a teaspoon twice a day. This is done between meals. Over time, the dose is increased to 1 tbsp. spoon for a reception.

Of course, direct use of soda will not change the size of the penis, but in any case it will have a positive impact on a man's health and his psycho-emotional state.

Often, baths are used to enlarge the penis with soda - reviews show that this procedure has a high rate of effectiveness. To use this method, you need to add 100 grams of material for every liter of water. Based on this proportion, the amount of bath can be adjusted, you do not need to make the water very hot, the optimal choice is 40-50 degrees. It is very important that the bath allows you to relax, does not cause discomfort and more painful sensations. For this, the body cannot be damaged.

soda bath for penis enlargement

This procedure shows the greatest efficiency before exercise, then a bath normalizes blood circulation in the penis and soothes its tissues. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes. It is necessary to use this manipulation as often as possible within a month, but not more often than 2 times a day. The men surveyed unanimously said that soda is a very reliable and safe ingredient for enhancing men’s "dignity, " which does not cause any complications during the course.

Safety rules

The male reproductive system is very sensitive to various negative manifestations, therefore it must be protected from pathogenic factors of the environment and the internal environment. Despite the positive quality of the product, this method can lead to serious consequences. To avoid this, it is necessary to follow some rules that will allow you to take care of your health. These include the following aspects:

  • if internal use is planned, you need to be careful, especially if there are any diseases of the digestive system. If the acidity increases in the stomach, then regular intake of the drug in large quantities provokes the development of gastritis or even ulcers;
  • you should consult with your doctor so that he excludes the presence of individual intolerance to this product;
  • with the presence of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, it is better to refrain from using it in any form, because the effect of its active components is precisely on the circulatory body;
  • is prohibited if a man is diagnosed with a malignant formation, because the blood after several doses of the substance becomes more liquid, because cancer cells spread faster throughout the body;
  • you should refuse to use this drug with low stomach acidity, as this is fraught with serious consequences;
  • some men experience increased skin sensitivity - the skin has increased dryness. This will cause serious irritation or even an inflammatory process, which is highly unacceptable in the reproductive system.


The use of the composition has some contraindications, which must be taken into account, especially in the presence of certain pathologies or chronic diseases. These contraindications include:

  • damage to the skin, the presence of a rash;
  • individual intolerance to substances;
  • organ deformation due to pathological processes (in this case, one can not do without consulting a doctor).

With the presence of the above factors, the substance should not be taken externally and internally, and in the latter case, these contraindications include several more:

  • chronic gastritis or any other disease that leads to changes in acidity in the stomach;
  • allergic reactions;
  • ulcerative formation.

Penis enlargement with soda is considered to be one of the most affordable ways to change the size of a manhood. This is not only a budget, but also an effective method that can be used at home.

Penis enlargement with soda is available for every man, it has no contraindications and helps strengthen potency.

With its help, they also carry out the prevention of inflammatory processes in the organs of the male reproductive system.

What are the uses?

Unfortunately, most people believe that sodium bicarbonate is only used in cooking and for heartburn. But a large number of studies have been conducted, which show that sodium bicarbonate can be used successfully not only for cooking or as an alternative to household chemicals.

In addition, baking soda helps enlarge the penis and is used to treat various ailments.

soda for penis enlargementsoda in the bank and its use for penis enhancement

Application for sexual dysfunction

Baking soda will help enlarge the penis and help restore erectile function in men. Often, despite the large size of a man's dignity, it is difficult for a man to satisfy a woman - erections are weakened, the duration of sexual intercourse is reduced, the sensations during intercourse become blunt.

Sodium bicarbonate does not stimulate the onset of stimuli, but its use contributes to a rapid and, importantly, free recovery of potency. And the duration of intercourse, as well as the strength of the erection, have an equally important role.

So, knowing how to enlarge the penis with baking soda, you can get rid of the insecurity caused by failure in your own genital area at home.

Penis enlargement with soda occurs due to the neutralization of the negative influence of exogenous and endogenous factors. Also, sodium bicarbonate stimulates an increase in blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which leads to an increase in potency.

Drinking tea soda can help treat diseases of the male reproductive system. Sodium bicarbonate normalizes the production of secretions, which allows men to restore hormone levels and normalize the process of natural formation.

Method of application

How to apply sodium bicarbonate will depend not only on quality indicators, but also on the duration of the result. Penis enlargement with soda is a complex activity that can be done using local remedies and in complex effects.

All penis enlargement methods using soda have a multi -directional effect. This leads to the fact that at home you can get rid of most diseases, and at the same time increase your penis with soda for free. The combination of methods helps to dispel doubts and problems in the field of sexuality.


One way to enlarge your penis with baking soda is by taking tea soda by mouth. This application helps cleanse the body and prevents the formation of neoplasms. The important thing with this type of use is the activation of all exchange processes. That is, taking sodium bicarbonate, you can achieve weight normalization and restoration of the normal course of all metabolic processes.

If a man is protected by interrupted sex and does not rely on fertilization, he should use additional contraceptive methods.

This method allows you to enlarge the penis with soda at home and is more suitable as a prevention, because in further diseases it will not be able to give the desired effect completely.

To prepare the solution, you need 0. 5 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate and a glass of warm milk. Melt soda in milk and drink this solution. The period of use of this tool is up to a month. It is recommended to use this recipe once a day, every day.


The intestine is an important organ in the functioning of the body. It supports the level of immunity and, in addition, normalizes the blood supply to the prostate. Therefore, one of the ways to enhance the penis with soda is the use of prophylactic microclysters.

baking soda solution for penis enlargement

To prepare such microclysters, it is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp. sodium bicarbonate with one liter of warm boiled water. Apply microclyster once a day for at least a month.

Alkaline bath

It is better to plan the use of the bath in the evening, before bedtime. Sodium bicarbonate affects the activity of the nervous system, providing a relaxing effect. This makes it easier and faster to fall asleep. The water temperature must match the body temperature to prevent skin burns.

To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 500 g of baking soda in 3 liters of water. This solution must be thawed in the bathroom to a comfortable temperature. The duration of such a bath is up to 30 minutes. You need to equip the bath with a contrast shower. The use of this method allows, in addition to improving the penis, also improve health.

Concentrate bath

Another secret to penis enlargement with tea soda is the use of a concentrated bath. Its use has no contraindications and side effects. The only caveat is damage to the integrity of the skin of the penis - this can cause a burning sensation.

But sodium bicarbonate has strong regenerative properties, and therefore it can be used to accelerate the healing of skin lesions.

The recipe gives a quick effect, which shows itself in the first hour after use.


Compressed soda is considered to be one of the most powerful penis enlargement drugs using baking soda. It stimulates an increase in blood circulation in the area of application, which leads to a rapid change in the size of the manhood. This method can be used independently at home without fear of negative consequences.

Many men state that after compressing, they experience dry skin. To avoid this, you need to apply a nourishing cream on the surface of the penis after compressing and note that the soda does not dry out the skin of the penis.

soda compresses for penis enlargement

This enlargement recipe requires minimal ingredients. To prepare the compress, you need a few drops of water to bring the sodium bicarbonate to the consistency of the paste.

Compressor exposure time is up to 15 minutes. If you look at the penis after rinsing the composition, you can see redness and feel a slight warmth in the penis area - this is due to increased blood circulation. Significant increase in size within minutes after rinsing.


Also on the Web there are videos where soda for penis enlargement is used as a component in a massage. Alternatively, honey can be included in the massage mixture. This technique allows you to stimulate blood flow more actively, as several methods are used at once to increase the size of the manhood.

It can be seen that honey helps to milk a more noticeable result. This is due to the large number of anti-inflammatory components in the composition. The recipe for penis enlargement with soda using honey is very simple: you need to mix honey and sodium bicarbonate until smooth and massage the penis with this mixture.

photos of members before and after supplementation with soda

The results of how you can enlarge your penis with baking soda can be seen in the before and after photos. This helps the visual use of baking soda for penis enlargement in action. At home, you can help your own growth process by starting using baking soda in your teens.

When you are looking for options on how to enlarge your penis with baking soda, then you are not satisfied with the size of manhood. To avoid radical measures, it is worth using techniques recommended by healers that can enhance the penis, eliminating psychological complexes.

How to enlarge your penis with baking soda

Before the procedure to increase at home the size of the penis in thickness or length, it is necessary to do preliminary preparations. To do this, you need to use some suggestions:

  1. Buy a big bag of baking soda. Don’t try to save money, look for expensive options that are free of impurities.
  2. Be sure to test for baking soda allergies. Don’t take the risk of wetting your penis with baking soda without doing this. To do this, you need to moisten the folds of the elbows, and then apply a little product there. After an hour, look at the condition of the skin: if there is no redness, no itching, feel free to start experimenting with tea soda.
  3. Men must be prepared for therapy, first steamed with warm water. Follow the procedure using a cloth compress.
  4. Prepare additional massage ingredients to change the size of your manhood (if needed in the recipes recommended for penis enlargement at home).
  5. To make manipulation as comfortable as possible, when increasing penis size with tea soda, keep a sanitary napkin, both dry and wet, which helps to quickly remove excess soda from the epidermis and mucous membranes.

Preparation for penis enlargement with soda

To understand the topic of whether soda can increase penis size, you should explore various ways to use the product:

  1. Apply olive oil to the surface of the penis - it softens the delicate skin completely. Then it's your turn to use baking soda. It must be applied with gentle massaging movements. Manipulation should be continued for a few minutes, then thoroughly rinse the remaining soda with water and lubricate the penis with a moisturizer that helps prevent irritation.
  2. Does baking soda enlarge your penis when steaming it in the bath? Yes, this is an effective way to increase your dignity instantly. How to use baking soda in this version? Melt 1 tbsp. l. material in warm water (1 liter of liquid is enough). Place the genitals in the bathtub for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, wash off the remnants of the composition, use a moisturizer.
  3. As a means of penis enlargement, it is recommended to use soda with honey, stirring the product in equal proportions. Apply the ointment to the genitals, wait a few minutes, then massage the penis with your hands. Such recipes, in addition to increasing the size, increase the sensitivity of the head of the organ, which is useful before sexual intercourse to increase the sensation.

Attention! To achieve maximum effectiveness, liquid natural bee products are required. Synthetic honey is not good for this.

How soda works in enhancing male organs

To understand why baking soda is suitable for enhancing the dignity of men, you should understand a little about the beneficial qualities of the product:

  1. Soda provides local irritation of the epidermis, which provokes the activation of blood circulation. The penis then swells temporarily.
  2. After that, the erection increases, which is important for some intimate problems.
  3. Ingredients give fast results. Using any recipe, you can achieve instant penis enlargement, which will surprise your sexual partner.
  4. A real increase in male dignity occurs without the use of pills or surgery.
  5. The ingredients are cheap and easily available.

Is it true that soda enhances the penis

Fluid blood is actively distributed in the genitourinary system. The substance prevents the possibility of blood clotting, which is a complication during massage training.

How to use baking soda to enlarge male organs

You can learn how to use the material properly to enlarge the penis not only from publications, but also from reviews of men who have used this technique in practice.

Enlarging the penis with sodium bicarbonate is an effective measure, although it solves the problem temporarily. Soda cannot correct congenital pathology, but it allows you to strengthen erections during sex.